Today's Installment; In Which Strudel Continues To Win Hearts The World Over

Today I forgot to talk about makeup and products and fashion, because I was only thinking about my lovely kitty Strudel.  She was included on the new dreamcats site today!  Even though I am super over the moon about it, Strudel just yawned and continued eating her homemade organic kibble.  It's all in a day's work for Strudes!  However, between sips of sparkling spring water from her cut crystal Tiffany bowl, she did mention that I should include links to her other work on this post.  Your wish is my command!

Watch for Strudes around 1:11 in The Gossip video "Listen Up".

She's not in the trailer (sad face), but she will appear in the soon to be released movie "Rid Of Me".

You can follow all of Strudel's adventures on Twitter!

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