Renegade Craft Fair - Los Angeles

I finally made it to the Renegade Craft Fair this year, and it was excellent!
I was expecting a lot of great stuff and people, but it was even more amazing than I could have predicted.  I just kept walking and walking and looking at beautiful and creative things.  I definitely left feeling inspired.  Here are some of the things I saw, ate, & bought!

There were some great food trucks at the fair but I had to go for the one I had heard so much about- the fried chicken Ludo Truck.  It was flavorful, super crunchy, and I am still craving more today!  Read more about the crazy 3 day process that it takes to make this chicken here.

My first purchase was this amazing bright orange cat/mouse print from Strawberry Luna.

Then I got my very own copy of Vintage Craft Workshop, signed by Cathy of California herself!

I was charmed by this bat illustration by Ryan Berkley.

Sadly, I was in such a rush to get to work that I forgot to take a picture of my dear friend Polly in her booth, selling her wares.  Sad face.  Next year for sure!


Lauren Bair said...

Sigh... your blog always makes me wish I were hanging out with you...!

Crystal said...

I always feel the same reading yours!
Hey since the Richard Simmons thing didn't happen with Polly, we should go next week!