I have finally started selling a new product that at this point, feels like my life's work!
I have been working on The Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" Key Chain for so long that I felt like this idea would never come to fruition.
I first had the idea quite a few months ago but it took a while for me to get around to researching if I could have a leather stamp made that wasn't too expensive. I finally found a source and had my dear friend Lauren help me with the graphic design elements- didn't she do a fantastic job with that Hey Girl font? I think I squealed when I first saw it!
I received the stamp but it didn't work too well when I tried to use it with a leather stamp mallet- the design was too big for it to make an even impression. Back to the drawing board. I finally figured out that I could use a wooden vise to help me evenly stamp the design onto the leather. I found the leather fobs and gold hardware on Etsy and we were in business!
This key chain is available in my Etsy shop for $15. Buy it now to receive in time for Christmas!