So fresh and so clean clean

blotting sheets
Originally uploaded by Blend10.

My favorite thing ever: Clean and Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets. One of those products that I use every day, and never think about. The great thing about these is the texture. In the past most oil blotting sheets were paper, and most of them left behind a layer of powder, which can build up and look gross. Thanks to the technology of the last few years, we have these great plastic-like sheets, they absorb all oil without taking off your makeup, and leave no residue behind. MAC and Sephora also make a similar product, but they are more expensive. Clean & Clear has the best price, and you can find them anywhere, for only $3.99. Give it a try, I promise it will change your life. Also a great product for men, tiny enough to carry in your pocket!


Anonymous said...

hi crystal! i think if I had these here in japan, i would go through a package a day!! It is insane how my skins is always glowing with sweat and oil!! How do those japanese girls always look so good, and keep make-up on?!!

Sue said...

do you think they would work for boob sweat? it is so hot in pgh i actually have b.s. today and a super sweaty/greasy face. maybe i'll write to c&c about introducing body sized oil absorbing cloths!

Crystal said...

oh ladies, always keeping me on my toes! I had never considered these problems before. Krista, I would recommend Evian refreshing spray mist. They make a small size you can pop in your purse. Sue, I don't know what to say... maybe you could move back to Portland? What do you say?

tanvi said...

I love this product too- it's such a lifesaver!