Weekend Weekend

What are your plans for the weekend?

I will be:
1.  Making salads & cooking chicken
2.  Working
3.  Baking something delicious, maybe this?
4.  Marvelling over the amazing shoes I saw above at the Goodwill!



I swear we're gonna run into each other one of these days! I was just at that Goodwill and noticed those crazy colorful shoes. I thought of getting one, even though I would never ever wear them, but you can't just get one when they look so great in a bunch. I'm working on a foodie post for next week so wish me luck and again, happy freaken weekend for the fifteenth time!

Crystal said...

Weren't they amazing?!? I wanted to buy them all and install them as an art project. SO cool. Good luck on your foodie proj!

Tami said...

Your Goodwill has SHOES LIKE THAT??? You would NEVER find those here in Portland. This photo alone makes me want to move there. That and the sun...

Crystal said...

I think someone quit the business...