Simple Things Pies

I have been reading/hearing a lot about Simple Things mini pies, so yesterday after work I stopped by their cute little restaurant to try some.  They had a whole refrigerated case full of beautiful pies that looked super yummy.  They make them in 3 sizes: cutie pie, simple pie, and big pie.  They only make certain flavors on certain days, but this was my lucky day because all the pies I wanted to try were available!  I got the salted caramel, coconut cream, and french silk cutie pies. 

The salted caramel was AH-MAZ-ING, the french silk was great, but the coconut was only so-so.  I'll definitely be going back for some more of that salted caramel deliciousness.
Check them out at 8310 W 3rd Street in Los Angeles. Cutie Pies-$2.50 each.


Jen said...

I like that they say "You make good decisions"...yep eating pie!! :)

Crystal said...

Best decision I made all day actually!

Fashalina aka The Hyperbalist said...

there is nothing
I love more than miniature things. It's the best marketing ploy EVER. I will buy ANYTHING if it's cute and sweet and tiny. MINIATURE FUCKING PIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its too cute. I would fly to LA just to buy one mini salted caramel pie. Because that's something that humans do.

Crystal said...

Yes it is.