Fashion Films

There seems to be some controversy about whether or not fashion films (a short film created to convey the feeling and inspiration behind a designer's line) are beneficial to designers or not.  Some may argue they are grainy and don't show the clothes very well, but I think it's pretty obvious that if you like the film, you will adore the fashion line.  I am a big fan of these shorts and watch them incessantly.  They are usually ethereal, unabashedly girly, and exactly tuned to my esthetic.  Here are a few recent favorites:

The Harvest by Lover.  Dreamy gold-tinged film inspired by Terrence Malick's Days of Heaven.

Samantha Pleet 2010.  Adorable road trip adventure with a cute blonde and scene-stealing brunette.

Opening Ceremony's Non Plus One Final.  Almost too twee for words, this short stars Jason Schwartzman and Kirsten Dunst being adorable and falling in lurve.  I would hate it if I didn't adore it so much! 

Q & A With Blend Reader Missy

Dear Abby Blend:

Ok, I just can't decide so I'm asking for opinions and I know you always know what's cool & you'll tell me the truth so I'm asking you! :)
I'm getting my hair done on Friday and I can't decide if I should keep the bang or grow it out (and if I keep the bang should it be big and longer or short and funky)?
Also, should I keep the platinum blonde or darken it up a bit? Should I cut it shorter or grow it into an all one length bob-ish something? Oh, I just don't know... HELP!

-Color Me Confused

Dear Confused:

What a fun question!
My thoughts are these:

1. Bangs
I personally like to grow my bangs out longer in the summer because it is easier to clip or sweep them to the side if it gets too hot. Also, the long bang is really hot right now, I see it on all the cool people here in LA and in all the magazines. I would say defenitely NO on the short funky bang.
2. Color
I really love the platinum on you and I think you should keep it. Another idea would be to have a layer of dark underneath or one or two "highlights" of a darker color. The platinum is so chic right now!
3. Length
For summer, I would say either cut into short bob or grow it longer so you can pull it away from your face. I would love to see you with a frenchy topknot or do the braids wrapped around your head thing.

Cordially, Blend

Missy was kind enough to indulge my fantasy and send in a photo of herself with the "braids wrapped around the head thing" look!  What a doll!

Some Things Never Change

Anyone who has met me obviously knows that I adore cats above all other animals, and especially tend to dote on my own dear kitty Strudel (pic below) and talk about her all the time. 

This adoration of cats has always seemed to creep into my own wardrobe without even trying.  I wish I could show you my second grade class photo in which I rocked a puffy sleeved dress featuring blue polka dots and gray kittens playing with balls of yarn.

Then there was this sweet dress (do cats and polka dots always go together?)  I bought at Bebe back in 2003, blurry sample of fabric below:

Most recently I was seduced by this cat print at Mui Mui Spring 2010:
But who can afford that?

Then I finally found the perfect cat outfit.  It's cool, arty, feels a shade more mature without the polka dots and will go with everything.  You can get it at Zara and it's only $40!  I plan on wearing it everywhere this summer and accesorizing with bright yellow shoes, hip blazers and peach lipstick.  So cute.

*Note the bow ties*
Fancy cats!

***Since I don't want to drive you crazy with all the cat talk for months of posts, I shall get it all out of the way right now:

(images from google images, Zara, and fieldguided)

The Man Who Changed the World With A Pair of Scissors

I cannot wait to see the documentary "Vidal Sassoon: The Movie", which just premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival.  As a girl who has pretty much vowed to have some kind of geometric modern bob for the rest of her life, I could not be more excited to find out more about the man who started the whole movement.  First time director Craig Teper filmed Sassoon for over three years and had this to say: “It’s important to understand that Vidal changed everything about hair: how hair looked, how it was cut, how salons looked, how hairdressers looked, how products were sold.  He freed women from having to go to the salon two or three times a week, and from sleeping in rollers and spending hours on their hair.”  Hear, hear!

Click above to watch the trailer.

Sun Solutions, Drugstore Style

As a person whose skin is the same color as a plucked dead chicken, I have tried many a sunscreen over the years.  I have narrowed my favorite down to the Neutrogena sunscreen/sunblock line.  I don't like to buy expensive sunscreens because I tend to only use a tiny bit at a time, and I want to be able to slather that stuff on and not feel like I'm throwing dolla dolla bills down the trash chute while I'm doing it.

I am really a big fan of Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock because it dries quickly and doesn't leave your skin looking greasy.  It is perfect for the beach because the sand doesn't stick to it.

I also love spray sunscreens.  They are great for applying sunscreen to kids quickly and reaching that hard spot in the middle of your back without anyone's help!  I recently tried the cooling version which I found quite refreshing on a hot day.

But there is one last problem that I had not conquered until recently.  Every time I put sunscreen on my face, it makes me break out.  Grrrr.  I know my skin is sensitive and all but I use lots of exfoliating and blemish removing products so as you can imagine I get quite annoyed that this continues to be a problem .  But you have to put sunscreen on your face, so in the past I have used facial or tinted moisturizers containing a high SPF.  There seems to be something that chemists do with sunscreen when it comes to a facial product that makes it less clogging to the pores and that results in no more blemishes for me!  Up to this point the highest SPF I have been able to find in these formulas was a 25.  Luckily Neutrogena has come to my aid with their Ultra Sheer Liquid Daily Sunblock available in a 55 SPF and a whopping 70 SPF (that's the one I'll be using!).  They don't really market this as a face only product, only claiming on the label that it "layers invisibly under makeup", but I think they would really have a hot commodity on their hands if they did.  I have been using this product for a couple of weeks now and it had not made me break out once!  I feel confident in recommending this for those of you out there with sensitive skin.  This formula is also waterproof.  Lastly, it only costs $13.00 which is a fraction of the cost that similar products from La Mer and Chanel command at the department store counter.  It's a win win situation!

One last thing.  I know you hear it all the time, but please add sunscreen into your daily routine.  It will seem normal after a while and you will be so happy you did.  I keep a bottle in my purse at all times, just in case.  And I am going to start keeping some in the car too, you never know when it will come in handy! XOXO

(images from google images)

How long will Jenna Lyons stay at the Crew?

In a recent story from WWD, they mentioned that since J. Crew's sales were so up last year, the CEO will get a 2 million bonus, and creative director Jenna Lyons will get $325,000.  Since they already gave Jenna a million bucks last fall to stay until October 2011, I am starting to wonder how long this can last.  Ever since she took over, the Crew has gotten steadily better and better, especially in the accessories departartment. 
I'd love to know the offers that she has probably gotten from some very high profile design houses....

The Fall 2010 Preview just came out and it was stellar.  Jenna described it as "Edie Beale goes to summer camp".  Obviously she is speaking directly to my soul and is trying to brainwash me.  It's working Jenna!

(images via Habitually Chic)

"See it by any means possible"

Do you ever see the trailer for a movie and just instantly understand?  That you know you don't even have to watch the movie, but you know what it's about and you know exactly how the characters feel, all the time?  The last time it happened for me was with Tom Ford's "A Single Man".  It's all about the eyeshadow. 
This time it's the trailer for "I Am Love" starring the incomporable Tilda Swinton and I. am. obsessed.   The story centers on a wealthy Italian family and their resulting reactions to their patriarch's decison to split his company between his son and grandson.

First of all, Tilda and her Raf Simons for Jil Sander wardrobe.  Ravishing!  All those oranges and peaches.

And food obviously plays a huge role in the film.  That's the best thing you could do to make me buy lots of tickets to see this!

Also, Marisa Berenson.  I'm a big fan

Did you check out the lighting?  I'm moving to Milan immediately!

I adore Tilda's hair in this movie.  I love the part in the trailer when she is rocking the "Vertigo Chignon". 

In theaters June 18.

(images from google images)

Guess who's finally getting Cynthia Vincent in her closet?

Here is another awesome thing for you to purchase while you are at Target on Sunday buying your Eugenia Kim hat:

Cynthia Vincent for Target.  April 18. 
The yellow (of course) is a favorite.

More New Haircut Inspirations

This is just about perfect, but I like a little bit longer bang.  The coloring is spot-on.  Or maybe I was just seduced by the glamourous outfit & genius styling?  Hee hee!

(Images via The Glamourai)

Drugstore Find- Neutrogena Triple Moisture Daily Deep Conditioner

For the last few months, I have been searching for a really intense and yet affordable conditioner ever since my stash of designer hair products that I had accumulated from working at beauty supply stores and salons had finally ran out, and I was having a heck of a time finding one.  Also, the water here in Los Angeles is much harder than the water in Portland, and it was making my hair all grotty!  Dry and frizzy and dull.  REALLY dull.  (I won't even go into what it's been trying to do to my skin!  I have been keeping the problem at bay with my fav lotion, another genius drugstore find.)  After trying a few things and not being satisfied, I realized that all my problems could be solved by the guru of product reviews, Ms. Paula Begoun.  She recommends the entire Neutrogena Triple Moisture line.  I can only vouch for the Daily Deep Conditioner, but it is so amazing that I am sure the other products are great too.  It is a little hard to find, they don't have it at Target or Walgreens or Rite-Aid or Wal Mart, but I have seen it at Ralph's (Fred Meyer) and Vons (Safeway) and of course you can buy it online.  I would heartily recommend this to anyone who is looking for a moisturizing daily conditioner.

8.5 oz. $6.99

New Haircut Inspiration

(photos from erica tanov via wikstenmade)

Another Fantabulous Target Collab!

Eugenia Kim.  For Target.  April 18.
I was going to write this whole story about myself and my style at age 20, and being dragged off to Florida by my family and hoping to sit by the pool all day and instead being forced to attend a ridiculous sales/cult-like seminar and the only good thing to come out of it was a that I bought a Eugenia Kim for Nicole Miller Easter-pink hat, but in the end I thought that the work above could speak for itself.  And that, I promise, is the longest run on sentence I will ever put you through.

Frame Fear

Y'all- I have to get new glasses. Sad face.
I just don't like the whole process. Getting a new prescription, picking out frames, feeling like the frames are all ugly and cost too much.  I REALLY don't enjoy it.  But for the first time in ages (well, ever really) I am super duper excited about it!  And the reason why?  Warby Parker
Basically, they are an internet company that sell awesome fashionable well made plastic frames and include your prescription for $95.  95 bucks!!!  AND they give a pair to someone in need for every pair you buy.  Genius.  AND they will send you up to five frames to try on at home before you make a final purchase.  I mean c'mon!  But none of this would mean anything if they were hideous.  They are not.  Check out my fav, the Webb Crystal Matte:

When I was younger I always thought that if something had my name in it, I should get it for free.  Come to think of it, I still do!  Here are some more awesome frames:

Me likey.
(images from warby parker)

The Dichotomy of Karl Lagerfeld

This is a collaboration between Diet Coke and Karl Lagerfeld that they are selling at Colette (the coolest store in the world).  It's weird because I kinda hate KL but then I like pay attention to everything he does and bought his collaboration with H&M and obviously his work for Chanel is first class and I would get this Diet Coke if I was in Paris, so what is wrong with me?  Does everyone feel torn about Karl?  Readers?
$3.5 euros

(image from google images)

An open letter to Shu Uemura

Dear Shu:

I was dismayed to hear the recent news of your decision to stop selling your cosmetic line here in the United States. 

This has to be a misunderstanding.  Did I not buy hundreds of dollars worth of your products?  Did I not extoll your virtues at every turn?  Did I not mention you often enough on this blog?  Did I not appear appropriately excited the first time I ever visited your Tokyo Lash Bar?

I await your announcement overturning this latest mistake.

Faithfully Yours,


Sunglasses for Spring, under $30!



In other news, I am apparently coveting huge 70' style glasses that cover half my face.  Never thought I would say those words.  I am my Mother.